The Griffin, also known as the Gryphon (Greek: gryphos, "lion-eagle") is a mythological creature with the body of a lion but with the wings and head of an eagle. Like a lion, this creature becomes the "king of beasts" and as an eagle, he becomes "the king of the air." Therefore, the Griffin is a depiction of the creature that has the most power over both of them and is dubbed the "King of beasts and lord of the air. In Mesopotamian tradition, the name of such a creature is unknown. In Akkadian, a creature with the body of a lion, head and wings the eagle is better known as Kuribu. The word Kuribu comes from the word Karabu which is usually used as a blessing formula. From this word Kuribu then comes the word Keruv (English: cherub) which is used in scripture texts to refer to a winged heavenly creature In Greek tradition, this creature is described as a creature that is quite dangerous and lives in the mountains

Skills and Functions:
- Money Magnets
- Compassion
- shelter
- Selling
- Career
- Super level protection
- Charisma Booster
- Help launch business ventures (Offline and Online)


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