Jorogumo is a supernatural entity in Japanese mythology, known as the golden orb weaver, Jorogumo belongs to the arachnid yokai group. In the form of half-spider women, their existence is famous starting from the Edo period, where jorogumo usually disguised as a geisha to seduce samurai (Japanese knights).

Their body size averages between two to three centimeters but they can grow to be much larger as they age. When Jorogumo reaches the age of 400 years, he will develop magical powers and begin to enter the human world to tempt and prey on them.

Humans who use the services of Jorogumo can give affirmations to Jorogumo to enter the target's energy flow to be subdued, this is useful as a means of compassion for the keeper. Jorogumo's weakness is a scissors, they don't like things called scissors, they are expected to keep the scissors away from the vessel.

Function :
- Special affection to attract the attention of the opposite sex or attract the attention of a special target
- Help to look more charming and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.
- Help ease the process of introduction into a new environment.
- Help smooth every business negotiation
- Helps to avoid bad influences and negative influences from the environment




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