Baal is one of the seven princes of hell in 17th century occult writings. This name is taken from the Canaanite god who is mentioned in Hebrews as the main god of the Phoenicians. In the demon hierarchy, Baal was ranked above as the first and foremost king of the Eastern Hell.

In the history of the kabbalah leaders, they tell about the form of Baal which has 3 heads "cat, man and frog", but from my personal approach, I see his form is a stout giant who has many big horns.

In ancient Judaism, kabbalah practitioners often communicated with Baal to get magic (magic) to defeat the magic of Greek (eastern Roman) magicians who were assisted by the goddess Hecate.

Baal was considered both a god and a demon by various cultures from Central Asia to the Roman Empire.

The great ritual is usually carried out in early October because it is said that the power of Baal reaches its peak, it can be said that the feast of the great commemoration of the Baal itself.

The blessing you will get from owning the portal and connecting to Baal is

+ Supernatural boosters
+ power & magic booster
+ Life guidance
+ Attack (Terror & Poltergeist)
+ Money Magnet & Wealth


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