The magic of Bogatsva Sakha is an ancient sorcery of the Rus-Kiev people which is dominantly controlled and possessed by the tribes in the Siberian area. This knowledge was also found from the results of a joint ritual between me (Jakarta) and Mrs. Evgeniya (Siberia). We managed to get this ancient knowledge that has become extinct from the results of our ritual for several days with a very tight schedule because our ritual schedule had to be adjusted between the time in Jakarta and the time in Russia.

This magic used to be very popular for several tribes, mostly ethnic minorities in North Asia who were mixed with the Mongoloid race, especially in Siberia. Some researchers call Siberia the heart of shamanism. But for this time what I will share with the public is Magic for fortune, named "Bogatsva Sakha" which was a must for magicians in ancient times to help tribal communities for their prosperity.

This knowledge will allow the owner to have a link and access to one of the pagan Russian gods named *God Veles*, the owner of this magic skill will receive the blessing of the god Veles to achieve worldly goals.

The functions of this magic include:
+ Help in Fortune (I highly recommend to entrepreneurs, business people, and anyone who opens a business)
+ Boost the aura of fortune that you already have from other fortune sciences (which you already have before)
+ Lucky Aura boost
+ Merchandise sales


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