Dullahan is a spirit of the flow of darkness (Dark Art) which is very well known among Irish psychics. Almost all historical and mythological records regarding the Dullahan mention that the creatures from the dark world do not have their heads where they should be. So the Dullahan's head was always carried in his hand, not pressed against his neck. The goal is for his hands to lift his head as high as possible so that the Dullahan can see more of the area around the enemy than his keeper. The Dullahan's face is described as very pale, with his mouth torn wide from ear to ear. His small eyes were black and stared intently, so sharp that anyone who saw him would be stunned for a moment. The Dullahan's head was also covered in a greenish aura. This aura helps the Dullahan to see his surroundings, so his head also functions as a beacon of light.

Dullahan is a very strong spirit in terms of protection and attack, his energy is very black and hard, the dullahan will not hesitate to attack his enemies magically, he is "non-social" and difficult to interact with but his loyalty to his keeper is unquestionable, he has the principle "Whoever becomes the enemy of my friend (keeper) then he will be my enemy". Dullahans are very reliable in terms of protection from evil, evil spirits, disturbances, attacks and all things negative. They did not ask for any sacrifices, just enough to apply black musk oil every Friday night and given 1 stick of black incense.

Skill :
- Protect yourself and your family
- Territorial/territorial protection
- Active protection (attack automatically)
- Protection of buildings/houses/shops
- Protects you from black magic.


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