Mammon is one of the oldest demons (old devils) who rule hell and the realm of darkness. Mammon's power is on par with Lucifer and the other 5 dead of sins.

Mammon is famous since ancient Jewish times (even since the time of Abraham / Abraham) as a demon of wealth so that in ancient times Mammon was considered the god of money.

Mammon mastered the treasure specialist Black Magick. In medieval times where many pirates were found, they often used the services of wizards to connect with Mammon in search of hidden treasures.

Basically Mammon is a very stingy demon because of his gluttony but through conjurer negotiations, then everything will be fulfilled by him as long as his ritual and offering, you are ready to live it and you have to regularly raise the energy container (pocket of fortune) such as giving charity.

Mammon is famous for its ability to absorb positive energy, especially fortune from the universe, especially from rich humans (that's why Mammon's energy money is really big) and it will be given / distributed to those of you who respect his existence.

+ Money Magnets
+ Wealth
+ Luck


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