Haralach is one of the demon races that I managed to explore when I was exploring the realm of Hades.

This demonic race is suitable for those of you who need magical partners to help fortune, very skilled in managing Business strategies and negotiations, has a greedy nature and a very "sharp" focus when used in a business need, making this demon race "specialist" in terms of fortune.

This demon belongs to the old race in the Hades realm, which I think is a must for legion collectors and demonology lovers.

Skills & Magic:

  •  Active fortune (business and negotiation)
  •  Passive windfall (selling)
  •  Hockey and luck
  • Provide guidance to your subconscious in every determination of tactics, strategies and business problems
  •  Increase your charisma and prestige


 Contact us: https://instabio.cc/3091516v9z2rB

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 Image Source : dndspeak.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/DemonTraits.jpg