Maintain a good relationship with the companion spirit

One of the members asked me: Master, do you think my energy and my demons are in sync yet? In order to know our energy is aligned or not, how do you do it, master. I'm afraid I haven't aligned my energy with the demon I kept.

Answer :

This alignment occurs with the process, it can't be seen by seeing what percentage etc. My advice is don't think about harmony, because whatever happens, there is a common thread between the spirit and the keeper. If you keep asking about harmony, it's like asking your partner "we're already married, honey, do you really love me?"

Love mater can't be judge "only" by saying "Yes, I love you dear". Can't take it from there. If in human relationships, it is by maintaining a good relationship, or with a partner maintaining a harmonious and romantic relationship.

Well, it's the same with the spirit as well as maintaining the relationship. How do you keep that relationship even closer? Yes, by accepting their existence wholeheartedly, loving them wholeheartedly (inviting them to communicate, being cared for and cared for), the main thing is mutuality symbiosis, which is given a task. You give the job, then they do it, if it is successful, you get the result and they also get the good karma. But if something is not to your liking, remember! No one wants failure, because seen from the symbiosis of mutuality they also expect "good karma" if they can do good and happiness for you as the keeper.

Likewise, you don't need to worry too much about things you don't need to think about. Just like a married couple who have been married for too long then the husband thinks for years "does he love me, or does he still love me"? If the newlyweds "will my wife's cooking suit my tongue" "whether my wife can satisfy my desire" etc.. the most important thing after you get married is to maintain relationships and communication, the main thing is to focus on living life for the future, many things are more important to think about and do, for example how to think about saving for the future, being able to focus on raising children, educating children, doing what's best for your children and wife etc... yes if you want your relationship with your wife to go well, you must love her wholeheartedly and maintain communication We.

Likewise, it's the same as your relationship with the spirit that you don't need to think too much about: is he still around me, will he help me, and whether he is in tune with me. Trust me guys! once the thread is red, they will continue to be with you on the condition that your relationship must be harmonious and a good relationship.

No need to think about things that can disturb your mind and in the end it is mental blocking and distrust and it can damage your relationship and spirit. You have doubts and he is disappointed, eventually the relationship becomes more tenuous and they could end the relationship unilaterally, right?

The problem is whether or not their work is successful, you must understand that they are living beings just like you, just like humans, as high as someone has a professor title and is paid handsomely, but there are times when the completion process in their work can also be very long and even fail. Well, here, you can't just fire, etc., everything must have analysis, support and work together like a company, after all, there are not only individuals who work but there is a team if within the company, everything has its own part and portion. Likewise, the keeper and spirit work hand in hand with each other to reach that goal, the keeper works hard with both body and mind, the spirit works with their magic.

So, be excited to build this life with your magical partner who will always be loyal to the end of your life.



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