Ilustration of Hasan bin Shabbah


 Assasins Spirit

Hassyasyn or better known as Assassin is a group from the Ismaili an-Nazariyah sect, a sect that broke away from the Fathimiyah government. The Assassin sect was founded by Hasan al-Sabbah, a Yemeni descent who was born and spent most of his life in Iranian territory. The study of Assassin will not be complete without discussing this one figure.

The followers of Hasan bin Shabbah are called Hassyasyin or in English known as assassins which means professional killers (hitman). They are highly trained assassins, adept at using a variety of deadly secret weapons, cannot be tracked while moving and certainly they are very feared in their time.

I recommend spirit assassins for those who need physical or magical protection, because they are Lost Souls, the spirits of assassin fighters who are very skilled in various things secretly but whose execution is right on target.

I will match you with these lost souls, especially the assassins who have been under the orders of Hassan Bin Shabbah, they are Assassins who died in the battlefield or on duty valiantly, because something that has not been completed they are still in this world and need good karma to immediately go to the next process, that's why they want to help humans in achieving their various goals in the hope of getting good karma (rewards only apply to those who are still alive), they can't go to the next process.

What are the benefits of having Assassins?

Protect yourself from various physical attacks and crimes, both committed by fellow humans and those committed by invisible creatures.

Protect family members, including those who live with us.

Fence the residence and place of business from interference by supernatural beings, whether they come of their own volition or those who come on orders/delivery of certain parties.

Fencing property from various crimes. Such as theft, pick-pocketing, looting and robbery, whether carried out by human hands or carried out with the help of other supernatural beings.

Avoid the bad influence of slander.

Prevent, neutralize and ward off magical attacks in all forms and forms.

- Makes your aura rough and intimidating

- Improve the ability to lead (Leadership)

- Increase the aura of authority and charisma

Greetings & Blessings!



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